babies, Crohns disease, Motherhood, parenthood, walking

Sorry, it’s been a while. I’ve missed you!

Okay, So it's been a while since my last post on my blog. A lot has happened and alot has changed. Babies have grown, developed and learnt new skills but I wanted to jump back into the deep end and fill you in with everything that has gone on.. My little baby is 14 months… Continue reading Sorry, it’s been a while. I’ve missed you!

autumn, babies, baby wearing, carrier, dog walking, Motherhood, oyster 2, parenthood, pram, sling, stroller, walking

Autumn is here!!

When the seasons change, Autumn has to be my favourite. Give me cosy jumpers and hot chocolate over hot beach weather any day. We love wrapping up warm and taking our little dog, Woody out for a little stroll, whether it's a pram or sling type of day. Phoebe loves being out in her pram… Continue reading Autumn is here!!

babies, Motherhood, parenthood, weaning

On the menu tonight is.. baby rice

We've been thinking for a while now about giving Phoebe some baby rice as well as her milk. She seems to be getting hungry quicker and is now watching us when we eat our meals. Which I've read can be signs that milk is just not enough. I know that everyone has different opinions on… Continue reading On the menu tonight is.. baby rice

babies, hypnobirthing, Motherhood, parenthood, Uncategorized

Hypnobirthing, yey or ney??

I have experienced the looks and comments you get when you mention hypnobirthing. The questions from the intrigued few and then the comments; "so you're going to be hypnotized? How does that work?" Does it really work? I can't believe it would make the pain disappear at all. It's not everyone's cup of tea and… Continue reading Hypnobirthing, yey or ney??

babies, hypnobirthing, Motherhood, parenthood, Uncategorized

Hello, it’s nice to meet you..

How many times have you said that as a new Mummy? It's hard to keep count isn't it. Usually that phrase is followed by, and how old is your little one? Or, What's his/her name? I know I've said those words many times in the space of just 16 weeks. Making mummy friends was one… Continue reading Hello, it’s nice to meet you..